Your Estate Plan Should Match
Your Vision For The Future

We create comprehensive estate plans,help clients navigate the probate process and protect their assets.

Your Estate Plan Should Match
Your Vision For The Future

We create comprehensive estate plans,help clients navigate the probate process and protect their assets.

The Best Estate Planning Law Firm in Los Angeles

A Personal Approach To Important Estate Planning Decisions

At the Law Offices of Alice A. Salvo, we have the resources and tools to help you and your family protect what is important. As you get older, it is beneficial to plan how you will be taken care of, as well as making sure your wishes regarding health care and financial matters are clear. There are many avenues to pursue, and the decisions you make can having lasting effects on you and your family.

Estate planning tools are complex, and the terminology can be difficult to understand. We use a personable approach that puts our clients at ease. It begins by taking the time to fully understand each client’s unique situation and objectives, and then developing a strategy that achieves their goals.

Experienced And Highly Regarded Among Her Peers

Attorney Alice A. Salvo has more than 25 years of experience helping clients with the full range of estate planning matters. She is certified by The State Bar of California in estate planning, trust and probate law. This certification has been earned by only a select few distinguished California Attorneys.

Whether you need to create a new estate plan, have an existing plan updated, navigate the estate administration process, or create a conservatorship or guardianship, we are here to help. Many of our clients say other lawyers they have worked with are hard to reach and do not return messages left for them. All of our clients work directly with Ms. Salvo, from the initial consultation through the resolution of their matter. She returns messages promptly with clear answers that keep you informed.

Protecting Assets As You Get Older

With proper planning, it is possible to prevent life savings from being depleted on assisted living and health care late in life. We guide people through Medi-Cal planning and other methods of asset protection.

Conservatorships Help Protect Loved Ones

Conservatorships and guardianships provide individuals the legal authority to make financial decisions for those who are unable to make decisions for themselves. We help establish conservatorships and guardianships.

Every Plan Is Different – Start Yours Now

Far too often, people don’t think it’s a problem to avoid working with estate attorneys in California because they feel that their estates are relatively simple. They see those fillable forms available for purchase, do so, complete them as best they can and then assume that their affairs are in order. Unfortunately, people who take this approach often wish that they had contacted estate attorneys in California well before they did, as when the time comes to enter a will into probate, it’s usually too late to make any real changes.

Don’t assume that all you need to do is fill out a blank will, sign it and put it in your drawer for safe keeping. Every situation is different, every plan is different and therefore every approach to estate planning should be different for every family. The prospect of contacting estate attorneys in California may seem daunting or even unnecessary, but the bottom line is that doing so could lead to more of your assets being protected and your inheritance passing to your intended beneficiaries more efficiently after you pass away.

It’s Never Too Late to Start

Estate attorneys in California work with people of all ages who come to them for the first time. If you feel as though it’s too late to even bother planning your estate, you need to rethink that, as there is no age when you’re better off leaving things as-is. You can plan or adjust your estate plan the day before you pass in some cases, and it will still be viable and legally binding. Not to mention, when you work with someone such as Alice A. Salvo, you can rest assured that you’re working with an advocate who will work with your best interests in mind. Attorney Salvo is among the most respected lawyers in Woodland Hills, regardless of practice area, and she will make sure to help you work towards your goals.

Don’t Leave It To the Courts

If your estate winds up in probate court in California, you can expect your heirs to be waiting for your case to be closed for a very long time – months or longer. Not to mention, the fees associated with going through the probate process can have an extremely negative impact on the actual value that passes to your heirs. Don’t allow this to happen – no one looks forward to talking about or planning for their own death, but it’s simply a necessary part of life. Estate lawyers in California make this unavoidable event easier for those who are left behind grieving the loss of a loved one.

We Live in Uncertain Times

If ever there was a time to be sure to take absolutely nothing for granted, that time is now. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has basically taken over the entire world, and no one is completely safe from the harms that it can inflict. Even those who do not lose their lives can face a lifetime of debilitating medical challenges, and to this point we still don’t really know exactly how this virus works. What does this have to do with working with a Los Angeles estate law firm? Everything, that’s what, as now is the time to add as much certainty to your life as possible, regardless of context.

Do you have a living will in place, or have you executed a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order if that’s what your wishes are in the event that you are intubated and unable to communicate with loved ones or medical personnel? Are all of your assets properly recorded and accounted for so that they can be organized and, ultimately, disbursed to your desired beneficiaries if the pandemic reaches you?  There are estate planning firms in Los Angeles that can handle these steps, but ours is one that’s ready to help you immediately if necessary.

None of this information is meant to scare you, although if we’re honest most of us are experiencing at least some amount of fear as the pandemic rages on and takes an ever-higher toll on the human race. We just want to be sure that you do what you can as soon as possible to get your affairs in order – and those of your family members – with a Los Angeles estate law firm that understands the nuances, regulations and requirements relating to every type of estate planning instrument and strategy that exists in California.

In addition, and beneficially, working with a Los Angeles estate law firm like ours is something that can be done without taking on any additional risk of exposure. We can and do work remotely ourselves, so we can get to know you via videoconference, we can transfer files and information electronically and we can take care of what we need to handle with relative ease such that you’re not running around in crowded places.

Now is the time to make sure that you have everything you need be properly organized. The last thing you want to do is find out after it’s too late that you need to get some things done or else you’ll face consequences that include additional and unnecessary tax burdens, medical bills and administrative delays. Don’t do that to yourself and don’t do it to your loved ones. Take care of things so that if the worst happens, you can at least rest easy that you’ve handled your affairs and freed anyone else from having to scramble to do so. Hopefully none of this winds up being necessary because of the pandemic, but right now it’s better to be safe than sorry. Get started today.

If you’re ready to begin your estate plan, change your estate plan, finish your estate plan, or even just find out if your estate plan is still solid and ready to do what you want it to do, it’s time to take the simple step of contacting one of the most respected estate attorneys in California for a review of your situation. Attorney Salvo will be happy to meet with you and tell you what you need to hear as opposed to what you want to hear, so contact the office today to schedule an initial consultation.